SELMAGIS for ArcGIS 10.3



SELMAGIS is a system for Air Pollution Modelling and Visualization. SELMAGIS offers a unique graphical user interface to work with different dispersion models. It's based on the Geographical Information System ArcGIS 10.3 or higher and is used as an extension in ArcMap. SELMAGIS makes it easy to work with different sophisticate dispersion models utilising all advantages from the large functionality of ArcGIS, e.g. getting and preparing input data from large data bases, result evaluation by spatial joining with different theme layers and 3D-visualisation (requires 3D-Analyst extension from ESRI).

Modules in SELMAGIS

SELMAGIS includes the following Tools:

  • SELMADigitizing Tools. For digitising road, area and point emission source and 3-dimensional building information's. All data are stored as data base format Shape (ESRI)
  • SELMAMeteo for importing, visualizing and meteorological information from measured data,
  • SELMAEmission
    • to define time series (variation in the year) and
    • to calculate the exhaust pipe emissions of vehicles, including Pm10 emissions calculation appropriate Düring
  • SELMADomain for defining the receptor grid (nesting is possible)
  • SELMANavigator for starting the current model. There are implemented yet AUSTAL2000, PROKAS and OML-Highway.
  • SELMAResults to evaluate result data coming out from different dispersion models. The results of each calculation are visualized directly in ArcMap (*. shp) and saved as EXCEL compatible files (*. dbf). Further processing, for example for comparisons with monitoring data, is possible. Various export formats are supported from ArcGIS, e.g. PDF, JPEG, TIF, Mapinfo, Google Earth (only with ArcGIS 9.3 and higher).

SELMA GIS Overview

At this time SELMAGIS includes the following dispersion models:

  • AUSTAL2000 for calculating dispersion of various substances from point (stacks), line (Streets), area (dumps), grid (emission inventories) and volume emission sources. AUSTAL2000 includes a 3-dimensional Lagrangian particle model and contains a flow model being able to cope with complex terrain (mountains, hills) and also the effects of buildings. AUSTAL2000 is official German Federal Environmental Agency air pollution dispersion model and meets the demands contained in appendix 3 of the German "Technical Instruction Clean Air" (TA Luft).
  • PROKAS is used for calculation of air pollution concentration on roads and road systems. It consists of various modules to calculate traffic induced emissions on roads (PROKAS_E), pollutant dispersion on roads without or with loose developments, as well as dispersion on densely developed roads (street canyons).
  • The dipersion model OML-Highway was developed especially for motorways by the Aarhus University, Roskilde in Denmark.
  • Additional dispersion moduls will be implemented on demand.

SELMAGIS is available in English, German and Lithuanian language. The documentation and online help is only available in English language.

Area of Application

SELMAGIScan be applied in different scales (from mesoscale down to microscale) as well for screening purposes to get first quick estimations on the basis of a reduced set of input data, as for sophisticated applications using high quality data and models.


The modules of  SELMAGIS are tested and in practical use in Germany, Austria, Bosnia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Luxenburg and offices of Ingenieurbüro Lohmeyer GmbH & Co. KG in Karlsruhe and Dresden..

Hard- and software requirements

SELMAGIS require the operating system Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7 and a licence of ArcGIS 10.3 or higher We recommend a PC with Processor Intel i5 or equivalent, minimum speed 2.0 GHz, minimum RAM 4 GB better 8 GB and HDD minimum 100 GB.

Price List


 Base Module

Commercial  1st licence 1950,00 EUR
 any further licence 1360,00 EUR
Academic  Institutions  1st licence 500,00 EUR
 any further licence 450,00 EUR



Commercial  1st licence 2000,00 EUR
 any further licence 1330,00 EUR
Academic  Institutions  1st licence 500,00 EUR
 any further licence 450,00 EUR



Commercial  1st licence 3000,00 EUR
 any further licence 2000,00 EUR
Academic  Institutions  1st licence 740,00 EUR
 any further licence 670,00 EUR
 Maintenance  Update and hotline service 12 % of the licence costs/year
(6 month after selling date update and hotline service is free of charge)
 Training  Location: Dresden or Karlsruhe 800,00 EUR/day 


Onsite training

800,00 EUR/day

+ 1600,00 EUR
+ costs of accommodation, travelling and flight

The Module OML-Highway we offere on enquiry.

All prices exclusive VAT

Demo version: 30 days free of charge licence for all features


Downloads (Manuals, Trial full Version)

  • Karlsruhe

    An der Rossweid 15
    76229 Karlsruhe

  • Dresden

    Friedrichstraße 24
    01067 Dresden

  • Bochum

    Wasserstr. 223
    44799 Bochum

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