... AUSTAL for Windows
WinAUSTAL is a user-friendly interface for creating and visualizing the AUSTAL input file and for graphically displaying the calculation results. WinAUSTAL enables the user to quickly and conveniently analyze plants and projects with regard to the dispersion of air pollutants in accordance with the amended TA Luft.
The new version of the Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (TA Luft), the central set of regulations for air pollution control with regard to plants requiring approval under immission control law in Germany, comes into force on December 1, 2021. It was published in issue no. 48 - 54 of the Joint Ministerial Gazette on September 14, 2021.
Lagrangian dispersion models such as AUSTAL are not subject to the limitations of Gaussian dispersion models. Complex topographies, buildings and spatially inhomogeneous, temporally variable wind and turbulence fields, i.e. realistic conditions, can be handled with Lagrangian dispersion models.
The AUSTAL program was developed by Ingenieurbüro Janicke on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency in Berlin. AUSTAL is freely available at www.umweltbundesamt.de.
- Project-related, intuitive, layer-based program interface in German and English
- Everything at a glance thanks to multi-window control and history list
- NEW! Current austal.exe (version 3.1.2 for the new TA Luft) integrated
- NEW! Chimney height calculation according to TA-Luft (BesMin and BesMax) integrated
- NEW! Additional substances: PM2.5 (substance name pm25-1), odor 0.65 (odor_065), benzo(a)pyrene (bap), bioaerosols (bae), dioxins (dx)
- NEW! Adjustment of input parameters for the plume rise calculation
- The AUSTAL dispersion model is controlled directly and completely from WinAUSTAL Pro
- Sources can be imported into a project from the new and old input format (austal.txt / austal2000.txt)
- Read and display LASAT concentration fields
- Load and save all relevant settings in a project file
- Display, editing and conversion of dispersion class statistics
- Import (DBF, CSV, TXT - DWD format, uSonic-3) of meteorological measurement time series to generate dispersion class statistics (aks, akt) according to VDI 3782 Sheet 6 with RosePlot
- Definable station list for the metadata for the import of meteorological measurement time series
- Simple digitization of sources, monitor points, individual buildings and building cadastres
- Adding and displaying additional layers (SHP, DXF, MIF, DBF, CSV)
- 3D visualization of building data
- Creation and display of distance radii
- Gauss-Krueger coordinate system or UTM coordinate system selectable
- Coordinate conversion Gauss-Krueger <-> UTM <-> geographical coordinates
- The austal.txt can be displayed and edited in text and graphic mode
- Automated generation of building grids for complex building structures
- Full integration of CESIUM into the WinAUSTAL Pro interface to import worldwide satellite images and maps
- Creation of georeferenced maps from CESIUM
- Import of building cadastres (ESRI shape format) from geoinformation systems
- Georeferencing of digital maps (TIF, BMP, JPG, EMF, WMF)
- Layout of maps / calculation results (incl. north arrow, scale bar and legends)
- Export of all representations or layers in ESRI shape format or as a graphics file (BMP, JPG, PNG, WMF)
- AUSTAL character set can be set (ISO-8859-1 or UTF8)
- Convenient creation and editing of variable time series for source emissions
- Batch processing of AUSTAL calculations possible
- Calculation of wind field libraries (without dispersion calculation)
- Calculation and display of assessment areas according to GIRL, also taking buildings into account
- Predefined and custom legends can be selected for displaying results
- Multiplication, addition, subtraction or division of AUSTAL and AUSTAL2000 result files (DMNA format) with layer selection and taking factors and/or exponents into account
- Display of concentration fields as horizontal section with freely definable legend on georeferenced maps
- Create and display isolines for concentration fields
- Display of wind fields (vectors) as a horizontal section with freely definable legend on georeferenced maps
- Display of concentration time series at monitor points for a quick overview of the most polluted hours in the calculation period
- Export of all calculation results (DMNA files) to ESRI shape format (point or polygon) or asc raster format with optional consideration of factors and addition of background pollution
- Color transparency of concentration fields continuously adjustable
- Calculation and visualization of terrain slope from terrain heights in DMNA, Atkis (DGM) or ArcInfo (ASC) format
- WinAUSTAL Pro can be run on all current WINDOWS systems.
- AUSTAL is a dispersion model that represents an exemplary implementation of the annex “Dispersion calculation” of the “Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (TA Luft)”.
- AUSTAL (starting with version 3) refers to TA Luft 2021 and is the successor to AUSTAL2000 (ending with version 2), which refers to TA Luft 2002.
- AUSTAL is a Lagrangian particle model (according to guideline VDI 3945 sheet 3), which enables the user to perform both statistical and time series calculations.
- AUSTAL requires as input data a meteorological time series AKTerm or a dispersion class statistic AKS, if necessary a file with a digital terrain model and an input file with all necessary input parameters for the dispersion calculation.
- AUSTAL can calculate odor hour frequencies.
- AUSTAL has implemented the diagnostic wind field model TALdia. This makes it possible to calculate flow fields taking into account topography (terrain flow) and buildings (building flow).
Program interface
Cesium Integration
Computational parameters
Time series generator
Representation of concentration time series
Representation and editing of dispersion category statistics
Result representation
Wind field representation
Prices (valid from 01.01.2024)
WinAUSTAL Pro, single user licence, 6 month email-hotline and software updates included. |
€ 3.450,-- |
WinAUSTAL Pro maintanance (costs per year) |
€ 485,66 |
(For orders from outside Germany no VAT has to be charged, for orders inside Germany a VAT of presently 19 % is added)
WinAUSTAL Pro supplementary modules are only available in connection with the latest version of WinAUSTAL Pro. In case you have a maintenance contract, you always get the latest version of WinAUSTAL Pro.
In case there is no maintenance contract, for an update to the latest version of WinAUSTAL Pro € 26,70 (plus VAT) are charged per month of the period without maintenance contract. The period without maintenance contract starts 6 months after the purchase date of WinAUSTAL Pro.
WinAUSTAL Pro trial version
Please contact Tilo Hoffmann (tilo.hoffmann@lohmeyer.de) in order to get a free of charge trial version of WinAUSTAL