
Delivering procedure

1. We send you the invoice.
2. You make the bank transfer
3. When we received the money, we send you the CD including setup, the dongle and a hardcopy of the manual


Commercial or academic licence

The academic license is reduced in that way, that the software is allowed only to be used for educational and research purposes. The academic license excludes every industrial or commercial use. An industrial or commercial use is given, if the financial resources, used for the execution of a project, in principle, may also be available for a commercial business (company, consulting business), for example if the project is a contract by a municipality, business contractor, factory etc. and not by a public research foundation.



Why all Menus of Selma GIS are grey?

Reason:     The Extension is not activated under ArcGIS.

Solution:     Please Check the Extension SELMAGIS in the ArcMap dialog Tools/Extensions.


The SELMAGIS Toolbar is not visible.

Reason:     The Toolbar is not defined as visible in ArcMap.

Solution:     Please click right mouse button in the menu area of  ArcMap and select SELMAGIS.


The SELMAGIS Toolbar is visible but the menus are grey.

Reason:     No licence is available.

Solution:     Please put the dongle in the USB slot or open the licence manager and get license from Lohmeyer GmbH & Co. KG.



Why no emissions are exported to AUSTAL2000.txt?

Reason:     No substances are selected.

Solution:     Please take in account that you have to select the substances in the configuration dialog "substances" which you have defined in the shape file.


Why no time series ware created in the calculation directory of AUSTAL2000.txt?

Reason:     AUSTAL2000.txt only calculate immission time series if at least you defined a meteorological time series (*.akt)

Solution:     Please define a meteorological time series in the AUSTAL2000 Navigator in the section Meteorology.


Do I need the outer diameter? For point sources?

Answer:      AUSTAL2000 do not need the outer diameter. The inner diameter is necessary to calculate the plum rise.


What about the coordinate system?

Answer:      SELMAGIS only accepts Cartesian and metric coordinates (e.g. UTM, Gauß-Krüger,  self defined) No geographical coordinates (e.g. hour min sec or Google Earth coordinates) are accepted. For project your data from one coordinate system to an other please inform you in the ArcMap help. Varoius projections and transformations are available.


What is receptor grid and receptor point and how to determine?

Answer:      AUSTAL2000 requires a calculation grid. AUSTAL2000 is able to generate a calculation grid by its own according to the height of emission sources and buildings (Definition of TA-Luft). It is possible to define the calculation grid by the user too. You can define it in the AUSTAL-Navigator/Terrain grid. It is suitable to create a shape file with the SELMAGIS Domain and import it to the Terrain grid register in the AUSTAL-Navigator. AUSTAL2000 does not requires a calculation grid as point coordinates.


How to determine the absolute values (µg/m3) and relative values (relative share in %) of  average annual concentrations, maximum values ​​of daily average concentration and how to determine the number of exceedings of the daily average rate?

Answer:      The absolute values as annual mean and as the short time value according to the EU directive (number of annual exceedings of the daily average of 50 µg/m³ PM10 and the number of annual exceedings of the hourly average of 200 µg/m³) are stored in the results shape file you create with SELMAGIS result. The short time values are based on the correlation between annual mean and daily/hourly mean measurement data.


How we can determine the contribution of individual sources to the daily average and annual average pollutant levels (in absolute terms and in %) and where is displayed uncertainty assessment (in %) ?

Answer:      The uncertainty assessment values are available in the result directory of the AUSTAL2000 calculation but cannot be imported to ArcGIS yet. If you need this value I can send you a SELMAGIS version which is able to import them.


How to insert information about the background contamination of the area?

Answer:      A way to consider the background concentration is to estimate it according to data of measurement stations which are located in areas where is no influence of emission sources you consider in the dispersion calculations à e.g. no influence of street sources. This estimated background concentration value you put in the register Results/AUSTAL2000/Preload. This background concentration will be added to the calculated value of AUSTAL2000 results.


How to determine the contribution of background concentration and sources reported for background contamination?
How to evaluate the contribution of distant sources, transboundary pollution and natural sources to background contamination in the region?

Answer:      If there are data of background concentration which have a horizontal contribution it is necessary to bring them in the format of a Shape file and make a spatial join with the results of AUSTAL2000 under ArcMap. In the second step you are able to sum the background concentration and the results of AUSTAL2000.


How to chart out the contribution of individual sources?

Answer:      To chart out the contribution of individual sources you have to make a calculation with AUSTAL2000 for each emission source. The results are shape files with the contribution of each emission source which you can display in  ArcMap.


How to interpret the results shown on the map?

Answer:      After importing the AUSTAL200 results concentration field can be displayed in ArcMap as layer. The values for each Point or rectangle you can see in the attribute table. To display the concentration field it is useful to define a symbology according to defined classes in the properties dialog of the layer. If you defined background concentrations (preload) the values in the attribute are composed of contribution of the emissions sources and the background concentration.


How we can determine the distribution of concentrations in certain areas of the city?
How we can determine the affected area and population affected by excessive concentrations?

Answer:      The results of SELMAGIS are shape files which are available as feature layers in ArcGIS. Therefore the user is able to make spatial joins with other layers (e.g. shape files with population data) and make statistical or spatial analyst.
Hint: The handling to make spatial joins is described in the ArcGIS help.



How to create a projection file (*.prj) for Layer *.tiff projection?

Answer:      Open the ArcGIS Toolbox an use the Tool Data Management Tools/Projections and Transformations/Define Projection.


When defining a legend under the Register Symbology/Quantities the following warning appears: "Maximum sample size reached. Not all records are being used. Use the sample or change maximum sample size."

Answer:      ArcGIS creates automatically legends. To speed up the performance it uses a limited amount of data values (sampling data). If the dataset which is in use has more data than the amount of sampling data a warning appears. The user is able to elevate the amount of sampling data. Click on Classify. A dialog appears where you click on the button Sampling… An edit box opens where the user can define the amount of sampling data.


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